Monday, March 17, 2008

Thoughts on Plaid

Here are some of my outfits from the last couple of days....
I've been good about taking pictures, but kind of bad about posting.

On Wednesday I wore my yellow plaid H&M button down that I bought 3 years ago. It is one of the few items of clothing that has stood the test of time in my closet and I love it! I also love how plaid shirts or the "lumberjack" look is in for the spring.
I am actually enjoying it.

Earlier in the year I gave my roomates friend Peter a really hard time about his Plaid shirts - I think he will be happy to know that he is not trendy -actually he probably won't care.

Now off to find something green to wear....


fashion evolution said...

lovin' the grey and black striped outfit!

DadySewCool in NYC said...

Glad you caught up with us blue-collar working types. It is amazing how the world follows the working man. I wear plaid all year to work, and I even make my own shirts.(don't do the plaid pants, though)

Sew On,

Camilla said...

The first outfit looks perfect :)
I also love the plaid shirt! I've been looking for something exactly like it but it's so hard to find a great shirt that fits perfectly.
Have a nice weekend :)

Danika said...

That blue cardigan is AMAZING, where on earth did you get it?
Oh, and I really like your blog, it inspired me to finally tackle my disaster of a closet.